Sunday, July 11, 2021

Monday, March 30, 2020

Clean Cut Bitchute Directory

For over a decade now, I've been working on a series of videos called Clean Cut.  The purpose of the series is to reflect on the truth and to see what new truths we can arrive at about God and religion using logic and evidence.  It's a linear series, in that conclusions drawn in one episode often lead to other conclusions in later episodes.  This directory links to my videos on Bitchute.

This is Clean Cut; the Complete Series

Note that the episodes are, for the most part, named after the questions that each is intended to address.

I've also done a special video on the nature and desirable qualities of God, entitled Meet God.

You can also check these same videos out on Youtube, if you'd rather.

Clean Cut; Season 1; Truth, Logic and Reason
     This first season deals with some philosophical basics that are needed for an honest worldview, and presents a brief argument for the existence of God.

Episode 0; Who Are You Supposed to be?
     An introduction to the purpose of the series.
Episode 1; Can Truth Ever be Subjective?
     A brief exploration of the issue of "subjective truth."
Episode 2; If We Have Science, What Do We Need Logic For?
     An examination of the nature of logic and what problems it's meant to resolve.
Episode 3; Come on! How Could I Be Lying?
     An examination of how lies work, and what kinds of things go into a lie.
Episode 4; Why Would I Lie?
     A study of the various reasons and motives that go into lying.
Episode 5; Isn't That Just Your Philosophy?
     Let's discuss the meaning of the word "philosophy."
Episode 6; What's Wrong With Skepticism?
     What is skepticism, in a philosophical sense, and why doesn't it hold together?
Episode 7; What's Wrong With Scientism?
     What is scientism, and why doesn't it hold together?
Episode 8; How Can You Prove That?
     Defines "proof," and examines the various kinds of proof.
Episode 9; Why Do I Need a Cause?
     An examination of what it means to be non-eternal, and why this implies that you were caused.
Episode 10; Is There An Eternal Creator?
     A brief argument for the existence of an eternal creator of the universe.
Episode 11; What are the Properties of the Universe?
     An examination of some very general properties that the universe has, by definition.
Episode 12; Is God Real?
     The final argument of the season; the reality of God.

Clean Cut; Season 2; Religion, Ethics and Morals
     The second season deals with which religion is correct, and what implications this has for morals and ethics; how authentic ethics actually works.

Episode 13; What's the Deal With Religion?
     A brief overview of the various types of religions, which ones can be right, and which can't be.
Episode 14; What's Wrong With "Scripture Alone?"
     A study of the claims of "Sola Scriptura," and why it -must- be wrong.
Episode 15; How Did Christianity Get to This Point?
     A short overview of the history of Christianity, and in particular, the breaks with Anglicanism and the Orthodox Church.
Episode 16; Is the Truth About God Unchanging?
     The unchanging nature of God is discussed, as well as what conclusions follow from that.
Episode 17; Is the Catholic Church Right?
     Having narrowed down the possible true religions to one, is Roman Catholicism an -actual- true religion?
Episode 18; Can Anyone Change Catholic Church Teaching?
     Can the doctrines of the Catholic Church ever be changed?  By clergy?  By the pope?  By God?
Episode 19; What Are Good and Evil?
     What is the real nature of Good, and why is it good?
Episode 20; What is Evil?
     What is the real nature of evil?  Does it have a real nature, and if not, why do we experience evil?
Episode 21; What Are Ethics Towards God?
     What are our ethical obligations towards God?
Episode 22; What Are Ethics Towards Man?
     What are our ethical obligations towards our fellow man?
Episode 23; What Are Rights?
     What kinds of rights do we have?  What kinds don't we have?  Who gives us our rights?
Episode 24; How Do I Avoid Doing Evil?
     The final step in the study of mortal ethics; the method to use in difficult moral dilemmas.

Clean Cut; Season 3; The Arguments For Atheism
     The purpose of season 3 is to address the best arguments that I've ever heard in favor of the proposition that God doesn't exist.  The episodes are each named for an argument, which is sometimes advanced to try to disprove the existence of God.

Episode 25; Science Proves There's No God, Right?
     Addresses the claim that science has "disproved" the existence of God.
Episode 26; Isn't "Perfectly Virtuous" a Contradiction?
     Addresses the claim that God can't be perfectly virtuous, and therefore can't be God.
Episode 27; Isn't it Impossible to Recognize God?
     Addresses the claim that even if God existed, we could never be sure of our own ability to recognize him.
Episode 28; Isn't Atheism Less Contradictory Than Religions?
     Addresses the claim that atheism is less of a contradiction than religions, and is therefore more likely to be true.
Episode 29; Atheists Don't Have the Burden of Proof, Right?
     Addresses the claim that only theists have the burden of proving their case in a debate with atheists.
     Note: I have had certain atheists object to this episode on the basis that this is not the usual way that the argument is phrased; that they almost never hear premise 3 used.  However, I'm keeping it in for two reasons.  First, because this is how I found it on an atheist website.  Secondly, because without the third premise, this argument makes no attempt to establish that God does not exist, which is what these episodes are supposed to be about.
Episode 30; Faith Isn't a Means of Proof, is it?
     Addresses the claim that we can't use mere faith as proof of anything.
Episode 31; Doesn't Evil Prove God Doesn't Exist?
     Addresses the argument from evil; that God's existence is incompatible with the existence of evil.
Episode 32; How Can the Phrase "God Exists" Have Any Meaning?
     Addresses the claim that, being metaphysical, no statements about God can have any meaning.
Episode 33; Doesn't Science Prove That Something Can Come From Nothing?
     Addresses the claim that virtual particles prove that something can come from nothing, and therefore, so could the universe.
Episode 34; Isn't the Whole Idea of God a Self-Contradiction?
     Addresses the claim that either omnipotence or infinity is a self-contradiction, and that therefore, it's not possible for God to have them.
Episode 35; How Can God Exist if Spirits Don't?
     Addresses the claim that spirits don't exist, and that therefore, proposing a spiritual being is uncalled-for.
Episode 36; Didn't Some Philosopher Disprove God?
     Addresses a variety of claims and sayings from atheist philosophers; the strongest I could find.

Clean Cut; Season 4; Virtues and Fruits
     Season 4 is for the purpose of addressing the misconceptions that have crept up around the virtues and the fruits of the spirit, and explaining the correct definition of each.

Episode 37; What's the Point of the Bible?
     Proposes some reasons why the bible should be taken seriously in studying the virtues and fruits of the spirit.
Episode 38; What Are Patience and Self-Control?
     Distinguishes patience from sloth, and self-control from stuffiness.
Episode 39; What is Gentleness?
     Explains the key differences between gentleness and leniency.
Episode 40; What is Joy?
     Explains how joy differs from pleasure, and in what ways.
Episode 41; What Are Chastity and Modesty?
     Explains the foundations of chastity and modesty, and what their objective is.
Episode 42; What is Prudence?
     Presents the definition of prudence, and explains how it's been misused in the modern world.
Episode 43; What Are Justice, Goodness and Peace?
     Proposes a link between the virtue of justice, and the fruits of goodness and peace.
Episode 44; What is Temperance?
     Questions the differences between temperance and moderation.
Episode 45; What is Fortitude?
     A study of the virtue of fortitude, and why it's more or less the same thing as courage.
Episode 46; What is Faith?
     A study of the three principle kinds of faith, and why none of them require a lack of evidence.
Episode 47; What is Hope?
     A look into what hope means, and its importance in the life of each person.
Episode 48; What Are Kindness, Generosity and Charity?
     Deals briefly with kindness and generosity, then turns to the numerous incorrect understandings of the English word "love."  This is rather a long one.

Clean Cut; Season 5; Why Should I Obey God?
     Season 5 is a study of the various reasons for obeying God, in descending order, from the most excellent to the least.

Episode 49; Why Should I Obey God?
     A brief overview of the various reasons for obeying God.
Episode 50; Are Evil Things Against God's Will?
     A brief rundown of the will of God, the power of God, and other things relevant to understanding the existence of evil.
Episode 51; Why is it Moral to Obey God?
     An examination of the claim that obeying God is always moral.
Episode 52; Are There Any Good Reasons to Trust God?
     Should we trust God?  It is necessary to do so?  Why or why not?
Episode 53; How Much Should I Like, Agree With or be Grateful to God?
     The issues of liking God, agreeing with him and being grateful to him, and a brief discussion of their importance or lack thereof.
Episode 54; How do we Know God is Superior?
     A study of God's superiority, and how we can know about it.
Episode 55; Is There Proof That Heaven Exists?
     A study of the evidence for the existence of Heaven.
Episode 56; Is There Proof That Hell Exists?
     A study of the evidence for the existence of Hell.
Episode 57; Is There Proof That Purgatory Exists?
     A study of the evidence for the existence of Purgatory.
Episode 58; Why do Some People go to Heaven and Others Don't?
     A look into the difference between people of different eternal destinations, and why they go where they do.
Episode 59; Can Free Will and Divine Omnipotence Both Exist?
     An examination of the alleged contradictions between human free will and divine omnipotence.
Episode 60; Why Are People Tempted to do Evil?
     A look into the origins of temptation, and the nature of original sin.

Clean Cut; Season 6; Fake Virtues
     The purpose of season 6 was to turn the spotlight on the things which the culture thinks of as virtues, or at least, treats as though they were.  Are these things -really- virtuous?  When are they virtuous, and when are they not?

Episode 61; Is There Real Proof That God Exists?
     Before moving into the season topic, a short episode which summarizes about a third of the sound, reliable arguments for God's existence.
Episode 62; Is Freedom a Virtue?
     A study of the correct and incorrect definitions of the word "freedom."
Episode 63; Is Equality a Virtue?
     What does it mean to be equal, and is it any different from being identical?
Episode 64; Is Diversity a Virtue?
     What kinds of diversity are good?  What kinds are bad?
Episode 65; Is Tolerance a Virtue?
     We should never tolerate people or good actions.  This video addresses the reason why.
Episode 66; Is it Virtuous to Respect Privacy?
     How is privacy different from modesty, and what does that difference mean?
Episode 67; Is Pluralism Always Good?
     What kinds of pluralism are good?  What kinds are not good?
Episode 68; Is Nonjudgmentalism Virtuous?
     A study of why we should judge, and under what circumstances.
Episode 69; Is Nonviolence a Virtue?
     A proper definition of "peace" and "violence," as well as an examination of why "nonviolence" is something -very- different from "peace."
Episode 70; Is Progress Always Good?
     Furthermore, what makes progress progress?  How can we be sure it's -authentic- progress at all?
Episode 71; Is it a Virtue to be Nice?
     Or does it make it impossible to be virtuous?
Episode 72; Is Humility a Virtue?
     Sometimes, yes, but what -kinds- of humility are virtuous, and what kinds aren't?

Clean Cut; Season 7; Law: The Ten Commandments
     Season 7 was intended, from the start, to be much longer than any other season.  Its purpose is to study the Ten Commandments; the part of the Old Law which is still gravely binding on us now.  People generally know what the commandments are, but what are the -implications- of those commandments?  What, -specifically,- do they allow, or prohibit?  That was what I set out to discover in season 7.

Episode 73; What is Law?
     An examination of the Catholic understanding of the word "Law," and the many meanings that it has.
Episode 74; Why Should we Worship God?
     1st Commandment.  A study of the importance of worshiping God.
Episode 75; Is it a Sin to Make Images?
     1st Commandment.  The claim that it's a sin to make and use religious images.  Is there any truth to it?
Episode 76; What's Idolatry?
     1st Commandment.  What does it mean to worship an idol, and how do we avoid doing so?
Episode 77; What Are Superstition, Divination and Magic?
     1st Commandment.  How do superstition, magic, etc... lead us away from God?
Episode 78; What's Irreligion?
     1st Commandment.  How does being irreligious harm our relationship with God?
Episode 79; How Does One Take God's Name in Vain?
     2nd Commandment.  Are there other ways to take God's name in vain, besides using is in casual disrespect, as though it were a curse?  What are blasphemy and false oaths?
Episode 80; Should I Worship on Sundays?
     3rd Commandment.  A short study of the reasons why we worship, primarily, on Sundays, rather than Saturdays.
Episode 81; Should I Work on Sundays?
     3rd Commandment.  A brief look at some reasons for not working on Sunday.
Episode 82; Should I Make Others Work on Sundays?
     3rd Commandment.  A brief look at some reasons for not making others work on Sunday.
Episode 83; How Should I Relax on Sundays?
     3rd Commandment.  Some suggestions for the best ways to relax on Sunday, and for how not to relax.
Episode 84; What's the Point of Authority?
     4th Commandment.  A study of human authorities down through the ages.
Episode 85; Why do Parents Have Authority Over Their Children?
     4th Commandment.  A brief look at parental authority in general, and why it's considered important under God's rule.
Episode 86; How Much Respect Should I Give to my Parents?
     4th Commandment.  The proper types and degrees of respect that one owes to one's parents.
Episode 87; When Should I Obey my Parents?
     4th Commandment.  The proper types and degrees of obedience that one owes to one's parents, and the times and places when it's called for.
Episode 88; What Obligations do Parents Have to Their Children?
     4th Commandment.  A discussion of the things that all parents should do for their children.
Episode 89; What is Murder?
     5th Commandment.  A discussion of the difference between murder and killing, and when and why murder is less acceptable.
Episode 90; Is Suicide Murder?
     5th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral nature of suicide.
Episode 91; Is Euthanasia Murder?
     5th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral nature of euthanasia.
Episode 92; Is Abortion Murder?
     5th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral nature of abortion, and the various arguments for and against.
Episode 93; Is it Murder to Kill in a War?
     5th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral nature of killing during wartime, and the various circumstances under which one might kill during a war.
Episode 94; Is it Murder to Kill Through Intermediaries?
     5th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral nature of killing someone by hiring, asking, provoking or forcing someone else to.
Episode 95; Is Stem Cell Research Murder?
     5th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral nature of the many kinds of stem cell research.
Episode 96; Are Cloning or Artificial Insemination Murder?
     5th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral nature of cloning, artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization.
Episode 97; Is Scandal Murder?
     5th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral nature of giving scandal to other people through your words or actions.
Episode 98; Can Negligence be Murder?
     5th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral nature of sins of omission, by which people die.
Episode 99; Is it Murder to Seriously Injure Someone?
     5th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral nature of damaging the bodily integrity of others.
Episode 100; What Does God Mean by "Adultery?"
     6th Commandment.  A discussion of the principles of chaste sex, and how sex should be treated.
Episode 101; Is Lust a Form of Impurity?
     6th Commandment.  A discussion of lust in general, and what it means.
Episode 102; Is Masturbation a Form of Lust?
     6th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral character and ethical implications of masturbation.
Episode 103; Is Contraception a Form of Lust?
     6th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral character and ethical implications of contraception, or the use of artificial birth control.
Episode 104; Is Fornication a Form of Lust?
     6th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral character and ethical implications of fornication, or premarital sex.
Episode 105; Is Pornography a Form of Lust?
     6th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral character and ethical implications of pornography.
Episode 106; Is Prostitution a Form of Lust?
     6th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral character and ethical implications of prostitution.
Episode 107; Is Rape a Form of Lust?
     6th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral character and ethical implications of rape.
Episode 108; Is Homosexuality a Form of Lust?
     6th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral character and ethical implications of sodomy.
Episode 109; What is Adultery?
     6th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral character and ethical implications of adultery and marital infidelity.
Episode 110; Is Divorce a Form of Impurity?
     6th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral character and ethical implications of divorce.
Episode 111; Is Polygamy a Form of Impurity?
     6th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral character and ethical implications of polygamy.
Episode 112; Is Incest Lustful?
     6th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral character and ethical implications of incest.
Episode 113; Is Perversion a Form of Impurity?
     6th Commandment.  A discussion of the moral character and ethical implications of sexual perversions.
Episode 114; What is Stealing?
     7th Commandment.  An examination of the definition of "stealing," and what it means to steal.
Episode 115; Is Theft Always Wrong?
     7th Commandment.  An examination of the definition of "theft," and whether or not it's always sinful.
Episode 116; Is it Theft to Accumulate Debts You Can't Pay Back?
     7th Commandment.  An examination of the moral character of "borrowing," or accumulating debts and not being able to pay them back.
Episode 117; Is it Stealing to Commit Fraud?
     7th Commandment.  An examination of the moral character of fraud.
Episode 118; Is it Ever Unjust to Pay Too Little?
     7th Commandment.  An examination of the concept and moral implications of the "just wage."
Episode 119; Is it Stealing to Cheat Someone?
     7th Commandment.  An examination of the concept and moral implications of cheating people.
Episode 120; Is Laziness on the Job Stealing?
     7th Commandment.  An examination of the moral implications of violating contracts, and of workplace laziness.
Episode 121; Is Wastefulness Stealing?
     7th Commandment.  An examination of the moral implications of wastefulness, and excessive spending and gambling.
Episode 122; Is it Stealing to Commit Vandalism?
     7th Commandment.  An examination of the moral implications of vandalism.
Episode 123; Can we Sin by Misusing Our Own Possessions?
     7th Commandment.  An examination of our moral duties to care for the wellbeing of others.
Episode 124; Is it Wrong to Support Socialism?
     7th Commandment.  An examination of the nature of socialism and communism, and whether it's moral to support them.
Episode 125; Can You Steal Intellectual Property?
     7th Commandment.  A study of the concept of intellectual property, and whether it's viable or not.
Episode 126; What Does it Mean to Bear False Witness?
     8th Commandment.  A study of the question of what "false witness" is, and what it means to "bear" it.
Episode 127; Can You Lie With Your Actions?
     8th Commandment.  A study of lying, deceptive and hypocritical actions.
Episode 128; Is it Bad to Beat Around the Bush?
     8th Commandment.  A study of the moral implications of beating around the bush.
Episode 129; Is Hypocrisy Evil?
     8th Commandment.  A study of the moral nature and implications of hypocrisy.
Episode 130; Is it Bad to Keep Secrets?
     8th Commandment.  A study of the moral character of keeping secrets.
Episode 131; What Kinds of "False Witness" Are There?
     8th Commandment.  A study of various ways that one can bear false witness.
Episode 132; Is Propaganda Always Evil?
     8th Commandment.  A study of the nature and moral implications of propaganda.
Episode 133; Is Truth Important in Art and Worship?
     8th Commandment.  An overview of the role and importance of truth in the worship of God and in sacred artwork.
Episode 134; What Does it Mean to "Covet" Someone's Wife?
     9th Commandment.  A study of what it means to covet your neighbor's wife.
Episode 135; What Does it Mean to "Covet" Someone's Goods?
     10th Commandment.  A study of what it means to covet your neighbor's goods.
Episode 136; What is Envy?
     10th Commandment.  A study of what envy is, and how it relates to the coveting of the goods of others.
Episode 137; What do the Ten Commandments Mean For us?
     A look into why these commandments matter for us, and what they mean for us in our spiritual lives. Also, the distinction between mortal and venial sins.

Clean Cut; Season 8; The Sacraments
     Season 8 is rather long too, though not as long as season 7.  The goal is to examine each of the sacraments in turn; what it is, why it exists, what good reasons we have for believing that the sacrament really does exist, and what sorts of graces are bestowed by each sacrament.

Episode 138; What is the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
     An brief overview of what's actually involved in the sacrament of reconciliation itself.
Episode 139; What Makes a Confession Invalid?
     A look at what sorts of things can invalidate the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Episode 140; Can You Prove That Reconciliation is a Legitimate Sacrament?
     A look at the various reasons for believing that Reconciliation is a true sacrament.
Episode 141; What is Baptism?
     A look at what Baptism does, and what it really is.
Episode 142; What Makes a Baptism Invalid?
     A look at what kinds of things are required for a valid baptism.
Episode 143; Can You be Baptised Without Water Baptism?
     A look at the requirements for non-water baptisms; the Baptism of Blood and the Baptism of Desire.
Episode 144; Can You Baptise Infants?
     A look at the main arguments against infant baptism, and whether they have a strong case behind them.
Episode 145; Can You Prove That Baptism is Needed?
     A look at the arguments for and against baptism being necessary for salvation.
Episode 146; What is the Eucharist?
     A look at the true nature of the Eucharist and an overview of the doctrine of the Real Presence.
Episode 147; What is the Mass?
     A look at the actual celebration of the Holy Mass, and what kinds of things are done during it.
Episode 148; What Makes the Eucharist Invalid?
     A look at what sorts of things are required in order for the Eucharist to actually be consecrated.
Episode 149; How Can I Become Unworthy of the Eucharist?
     A look at what kinds of things are required in order to worthily receive the Eucharist.
Episode 150; Where Did the Eucharist Come From?
     A look at the history, and historical evidence of, the Eucharist.
Episode 151; What's the Purpose of the Eucharist?
     A look at the purposes and importance of the Eucharist.
Episode 152; Can You Prove That the Eucharist is Really Jesus?
     A look at the arguments against the Eucharist really being Jesus, and whether they hold up.
Episode 153; What is Confirmation?
     A look at what actually goes on during the sacrament of Confirmation, and what's accomplished by it.
Episode 154; What's the Purpose of Confirmation?
     A look at the benefits and obligations that come to us through the sacrament of Confirmation.
Episode 155; What Kinds of Holy Oils Are There?
     A look at the three types of holy oils, and what they're used for.
Episode 156; What is Marriage?
     A look at the what marriage actually is, and why it's a sacrament.
Episode 157; What Makes a Marriage Invalid?
     A look at what's required, in order for a marriage to be a valid sacrament.
Episode 158; When is it Unwise to Marry?
     A look at what kinds of things should influence our decision to participate in the sacrament of marriage.
Episode 159; Can You Get Out of a Marriage?
     A look at just how permanent a marriage is, and under what circumstances it can be brought to an end.
Episode 160; What is Holy Orders?
     A look at the types of holy orders, and the functional consequences of undertaking this sacrament.
Episode 161; What Happens at an Ordination?
     A look at what an ordination actually consists of, and what's involved in the ceremony itself.
Episode 162; What Are the Results of Being Ordained?
     A look at what kinds of things ordination does to a person, and what kinds of roles people gain by being ordained.
Episode 163; Why do we Need a Priesthood?
     A look at the various uses and purposes for which God founded the human priesthood.
Episode 164; What's Extreme Unction?
     A look at the final sacrament that a person should receive, and what it actually is.
Episode 165; What's the Purpose of Extreme Unction?
     A look at the benefits of obtaining the final sacrament, and the point of receiving it.

Clean Cut; Season 9; Obedience
     Season 9 will be a short season on a topic which, I feel, deserves closer examination; the nature, obligations and actual scope of obedience. What is it, and how do we know if we're being obedient?

Episode 166; What is Obedience?
     A basic look at the meaning of the word "obedience," and in general, how to obey and not obey.
Episode 167; What is the Hierarchy of Obedience?
     An examination of who should obey who; in the world, and in eternity.
Episode 168; How Can You be Deficient in Obedience?
     An examination of the ways in which we can fall short of the required obedience.
Episode 169; How Can You Have an Excess of Obedience?
     An examination of the ways in which we can give obedience to the wrong people.
Episode 170; Is There Any Good Reason to Obey a Disobedient Authority Figure?
     An examination of the reasons why we might want to disobey legitimate authority figures.
Episode 171; Do we Need to Worry About the Reputation of Those we Obey?
     An look at the issue of the reputations of authority figures, and how much, or how little, we're responsible for supporting them.

Clean Cut; Season 10; Prayers and Creeds
     Season 10 will be a series on some of the most common prayers and creeds used in the Catholic Church, and what each of them means and implies.

Episode 172; What is Prayer?
     A look at the different kinds of prayer, and what each is intended to accomplish.
Episode 173; What Makes a Prayer Invalid?
     A look at the various kinds of things that can invalidate a prayer, or make it ineffective.
Episode 174; What Does the Lord's Prayer Mean?
     An examination of the "Our Father," and what the words of this prayer actually mean when we say them.
Episode 175; Where Did the Hail Mary Come From?
     An examination of the "Hail Mary," and where we got the words of this prayer.
Episode 176; What Does the Glory be Mean?
     A Brief examination of the "Glory Be," and what the words of the prayer actually mean.
Episode 177; What Does the Apostles Creed Mean?
     A Brief examination of the "Apostles Creed," and what the words of this creed actually mean.
Episode 178; What Does the Nicene Creed Mean?
     A Brief examination of the "Nicene Creed," and what the words of this creed actually mean.
Episode 179; What Does the Hail Holy Queen Mean?
     A Brief examination of the "Hail Holy Queen," and what the words of this prayer actually mean.
Episode 180; What Are the Fatima Prayers?
     A short look at where we got the "Fatima prayers," and what they mean.
Episode 181; What Does the Litany of Mary Mean?
     A look at what's meant by the words of the litany of Mary.
Episode 182; What Does the Memorare Mean?
     An examination of the words of the Memorare.
Episode 183; What's the "Saint Michael Prayer?"
     A look at the Saint Michael Prayer, and what it means.
Episode 184; How do You Pray the Rosary?
     A look at how to pray the rosary, and what the mysteries of the rosary are.
Episode 185; What Does the Anima Christi Mean?
     An examination of the implications of this prayer of praise.
Episode 186; What Does the Confiteor Mean?
     A look at what's meant by the Confiteor, which we pray at Mass.
Episode 187; What Does the Act of Faith Mean?
     A look at one of the "act" prayers, and what it says about us and our faith.
Episode 188; What Does the Act of Hope Mean?
     A look at another of the "act" prayers, and what it says about the things we hope for.
Episode 189; What Does the Act of Charity Mean?
     A look at another of the "act" prayers, and what it says about the charity that we should show to God and our neighbors.
Episode 190; What Does the Act of Contrition Mean?
     A look the prayer said by the penitent sinner during the sacrament of reconciliation.
Episode 191; What Does the Angelus Mean?
     A look into the source and meaning of this prayer.
Episode 192; What Does the Eternal Rest Mean?
     A look into the meaning of a prayer for the dead.
Episode 193; What Prayers Are There For Before and After Meals?
     A look at traditional prayers of grace, before and after eating.
Episode 194; What Does the Angele Dei Mean?
     A look at a prayer to your guardian angel.
Episode 195; How do You Say the Chaplet of Divine Mercy?
     An examination of another prayer said using rosary beads.

Clean Cut; Season 11; Reasons to Believe in God
     Season 11 will be about some of the best reasons to believe that God exists. What reasons are there to think that God exists, and how do those reasons hold up?

Episode 196; What Does it Mean to Have Good Reasons to Believe Something?
     A look at the basics of what it means to have good reasons to believe something. What standard should we be using, to guage whether a reason is "good" or "bad?"
Episode 197; Can Our Senses Tell us Anything About God?
     Why can we trust our senses? What does that tell us about God?
Episode 198; Can Contingent Things Teach us About God?
     What is a contingent thing? Why do they exist, and what can they teach us about God?
Episode 199; Can Morals Teach us About God?
     What are objective moral values? What can they teach us about God?
Episode 200; Can Evil Teach us About God?
     What is objective moral evil? What can it teach us about God?
Episode 201; Can the Meaning of Life Teach us About God?
     A look into whether there can even being a meaning to life without God.
Episode 202; Can Value Teach us About God?
     A look into whether anything can have any objective value without God.
Episode 203; Can the Constants of the Universe Teach us About God?
     A look into how the basic values on which the universe subsists tell us about our creator.
Episode 204; Can the Meaning of 'God' Teach us About God?
     A look into how we can discern God's existence through a study of what is meant by "God."
Episode 205; Can Motion Teach us About God?
     A look into what we can learn about God from motion itself.
Episode 206; Can Cause and Effect Teach us About God?
     A look into what we can learn about God from the nature of causes and their effects.
Episode 207; Can the Potential for Existence Teach us About God?
     A look into what kinds of information we can gain about God from things that might not have existed.
Episode 208; Can We Learn About God From Things Being Better or Worse?
     A look into what it means for something to be better or worse than something else, and what that tells us about God.
Episode 209; Can the Order of the Universe Teach us About God?
     A look into the way the universe is ordered, and whether we can learn anything about God from that.
Episode 210; Can the Resurrection of Jesus Teach us About God?
     A look at some of the evidence, which indicates whether the resurrection of Jesus was a real event.
Episode 211; Can the Beginning of the Universe Teach us About God?
     A look at some of the evidence for the beginning of the universe, and whether the Kalam Cosmological Argument can be a good one.
Episode 212; What's the Real Cost of Atheism?
     A summary of what the arguments for the existence of God do to the position of atheism, and what an atheist would need to accept, in order to be intellectually-honest.

Clean Cut; Season 12; The Afterlife
     Season 12 will be about how we can use logic and reason to determine a few things about the kinds of afterlives that exist, and what they will be like.

Episode 213; What Happens When You Die?
     A look into the process of dying, and what sorts of situations death forces us to confront.
Episode 214; What's the Difference Between Good and Bad Things?
     A look at what we call "goodness" and "badness," and what they really are.
Episode 215; What is Hell?
     A look into what Hell actually is, and what it means to go there.
Episode 216; What is Heaven?
     A look into what Heaven actually is, and what it's like to be there.
Episode 217; What is the 'New Heavens?'
     A look at the promised afterlife for the just, after the final resurrection.
Episode 218; Will There be a New Hell?
     A look into whether Hell will be changed at the final resurrection, like Heaven will be.
Episode 219; Can the Virtues Exist in the Afterlife?
     A look at whether we can gain or lose virtue in the afterlife, and how death effects our ability to receive grace.
Episode 220; Can the Virtues Exist in Heaven?
     A look at whether the virtues are actually compatible with a perfect state of being.
Episode 221; Can the Fruits of the Spirit Exist in Heaven?
     A look at each fruit of the spirit, and whether it can be compatible with Heavenly perfection.
Episode 222; Are There Sacrifices in Heaven?
     A look at the nature of sacrifice, and whether it's possible to sacrifice in a perfect state of being.
Episode 223; Could I Still Enjoy Heaven, if I Don't Like God's Plan?
     A look at what it means to dislike the plan of God, and whether it would impact our enjoyment of Paradise.
Episode 224; What Are Aesthetics Like in Heaven?
     A look at what aesthetics really are, and how God views them.
Episode 225; Can You Touch Things in Heaven?
     A look in what touch sensations are, and whether they're compatible with spiritual existence.
Episode 226; Can You Touch Things in Hell?
     A look in whether the ability to touch things is compatible with eternal damnation.
Episode 227; Do You Lose Anything by Going to Heaven?
     A look at what it means to lose something, and whether it's possible to do so in Heaven.
Episode 228; Is There Anything You Don't Lose by Going to Hell?
     A look at the meaning of loss, and whether it is inherent to the idea of Hell.
Episode 229; Would I Still be Myself in Heaven?
     A look into what self-identity is, and whether we can still be the same person after death in Heaven.
Episode 230; Would I Still be Myself in Hell?
     A look into whether we can still be the same person while suffering eternal damnation.
Episode 231; Are There Possessions in Heaven?
     A look at whether people can still have personal possessions while living in eternal, perfect happiness.
Episode 232; Are There Possessions in Hell?
     A look at whether people can still have personal possessions while eternally separated from God.
Episode 233; Are There Experiences in the Afterlife?
     A look at whether people can still be said to have experiences after death.
Episode 234; Is the Happiness of Heaven Unnatural?
     A look at what the happiness of Heaven is like, and whether it's artificial.
Episode 235; Can You be Happy in Heaven if You Don't Like Happiness?
     A look into whether a person could be happy without liking happiness.
Episode 236; Can We Trust the Angels and Saints?
     A look into what it means to be trustworthy, and whether those in Heaven can be trusted.
Episode 237; Is Eternity Like Being Frozen in Time?
     A look into what's meant by "eternity," and whether it's in any way similar to a frozen moment in time.
Episode 238; Do the Saints Experience Eternity the Same Way God Does?
     A look into what the perceptions of the saints may be like regarding eternity, and whether it's the same as the perception of God.
Episode 239; Should We be Afraid of Heaven?
     A look at the various things about Heaven that people might be afraid of, and whether those fears are justified.

Clean Cut; Season 13; The Beattitudes
     Season 13 will be intended to analyze the meaning of the beattitudes, which Jesus taught as instructions on how Christians should act.

Episode 240; What Are the Beatitudes?
     An overview of the beattitudes, and some general things that we can discern about them.
Episode 241; What is Poverty of Spirit?
     A look into what is meant by "poor in spirit" and how it connects to the promised kingdom of Heaven.
Episode 242; What is Meekness?
     A look into what being meek is, and what rewards are promised to the meek.
Episode 243; Why Would We be Expected to Mourn?
     A look at mourning, and the reasons why mourning is appropriate.
Episode 244; What is the Hunger for Justice?
     A look into the notion of justice; what it means, and why we should long for it.
Episode 245; What is Mercy?
     A look into the Catholic understanding of mercy, and what sorts of things it involves.
Episode 246; What is Cleanness of Heart?
     A look into what's meant by "cleanness" or "purity" of heart, and why the vision of God is a reward for it.
Episode 247; What is a Peacemaker?
     A look into what's meant by "peace," and how a person can "make" peace.
Episode 248; What Does it Mean to Suffer for the Sake of Justice?
     A look at what kind of suffering can be done for justice, and how to view this kind of suffering.

Clean Cut; Season 14; The Precepts of the Church
     Season 14 will be a brief section, intended to look at other aspects of essential Catholic life, and what kinds of things Catholics need to observe in terms of fasting, holy days, and related issues.

Episode 249; What Are the Precepts of the Catholic Church?
     An overview of the precepts of the church, and what the implications are of each.
Episode 250; What Kinds of Fasting Should Catholics Observe?
     A look at the different customs regarding fasting for Catholics.

Clean Cut; Season 15; The Role of Doctrine
     Season 15 will be for examining the role that doctrine plays in the faith life; what doctrine is and whether/how it should inform our beliefs.

Episode 251; What Are Doctrines?
     A look into what kinds of things qualify as doctrine, and what different kinds there are.
Episode 252; What Are Disciplines and Practices?
     How the disciplines of the church are different from its practices, and why we should participate in each.
Episode 253; Should Faith and Doctrines Effect Our Beliefs?
     If and how faith in doctrine should impact our beliefs, when and why.
Episode 254; Is Doctrine Practical?
     An examination of the concept of practicality, and whether doctrines are practical.
Episode 255; Is Doctrine Wise?
     A look into the nature of wisdom, and the surprising relationship of doctrine to it.
Episode 256; Can Doctrine Prove Itself True?
     Another brief look at what's required for proof, and whether anything; even doctrine, can prove itself.
Episode 257; Can You Form Arguments Based on Doctrine?
     A study of how we form arguments, and whether a sound argument can be based on a doctrine.

Clean Cut; Season 16; The Nature of God
     In season 16, we'll look at what we can learn about God through the methods we've already discussed, and answer a few questions about God's nature.

Episode 258; Is the Existence of God Self-Evident?
     A look at what's meant by "self evident," and whether the existence of God is like this.
Episode 259; Can God's Existence Be Demonstrated?
     A look at what it means to demonstrate something, and whether we can do this, in some fashion, for God's existence.
Episode 260; Is God a Body?
     A look at the distinctive characteristics of bodies, and whether God is anything like one.
Episode 261; Is God Matter?
     A look into the behavior of matter, and whether we have any good reasons to think that God isn't material.
Episode 262; Is the Nature of God Simple?
     A look at what a nature is, and how God's nature can be a simple nature, as well as what makes it so different from our own natures.
Episode 263; Is the Existence of God the Same as His Nature?
     A look at the nature of God, and whether it's any different from his existence.
Episode 264; Does God Have Any Incidental Properties?
     A definition of an "incidental property," and whether God has any in his divine being.
Episode 265; Is God Part of Anything Else?
     A look into what it means to be part of something, and whether we can think that God is part of anything.
Episode 266; Is God Perfect?
     An examination of what kinds of perfection there are, what's required for something to be perfect, and whether specific kinds of perfection can and do apply to God.
Episode 267; Does God Have the Perfection of Other Things?
     A look at whether God has the good qualities that other things have.
Episode 268; Can a Created Being Ever be Like God?
     What is God like, and are created beings necessarily different from God in those ways?

Clean Cut; Season 17; The Works of Mercy
     In season 17, we'll look at each of the works of mercy in turn and what, precisely, is implied by each, to get a clearer understanding of what's meant by "Christian mercy."

Episode 269; What Does it Mean to Feed the Hungry?
     A look at what hunger is, and under what circumstances it's merciful to feed the hungry.
Episode 270; What Does it Mean to Give Drink to the Thirsty?
     A look at what thirst is, and under what circumstances it's merciful to give drink to the thirsty.
Episode 271; What Does it Mean to Clothe the Naked?
     A look at what it means to need clothes, and what the overall goal of clothing the naked is.
Episode 272; What Does it Mean to Harbour the Harbourless?
     A look at what a shelter is, and how much we should do to shelter the homeless.
Episode 273; Why Should We Visit the Sick?
     A look at how we can visit the sick, and what makes this act a good sacrifice.
Episode 274; How do We Ransom Captives?
     A look at what it means to be a captive, and what kinds of help we can and should offer to captives.
Episode 275; Why Should We Bury the Dead?
     A look the physical and emotional benefits of burying the dead, and the importance of Christian burials.
Episode 276; How Can We Instruct the Ignorant?
     A look into what it means to be ignorant, what kinds of ignorant people should be instructed, and how.
Episode 277; How Can We Counsel the Doubtful?
     A look into what it means to be doubtful, and how to determine whether we should advise a person or not.
Episode 278; How Should We Admonish Sinners?
     A look at what it means to admonish someone, and why they often hate warnings against evil.
Episode 279; How Can We Bear Wrongs?
     A look at what it means to be wronged, and what role patience should have in our lives.
Episode 280; How Can We Forgive Offenses?
     A look at the concept of forgiveness, how much is needed, and how to cope with offenses.
Episode 281; How Can We Comfort the Afflicted?
     A look at how suffering people should be treated, and what kinds of comfort we can offer them.
Episode 282; Why Should We Pray for the Living?
     A look into why we pray, and whether and how it can help others.
Episode 283; Why Should We Pray for the Dead?
     A look at prayers for the dead, and whether the practice is supported by the scriptures.
Episode 284; Why Are the Works of Mercy Important?
     A look at whether we need sympathy to practice the works of mercy, and whether they can help to defend us.

Clean Cut; Season 18; The Goodness of God
     In season 18, we'll look at what goodness actually is, what this tells us about the nature of perfect goodness, and what that means for God, who has perfect goodness.

Episode 285; Is Goodness the Same as Existence?
     A look at whether it's actually good to exist, and what it is that people really want.
Episode 286; Are All Beings Good?
     A look at what it means for a "being" to be good, and how that applies to various things that "be."
Episode 287; Can We Know Anything About the Nature of Goodness?
     A look at what it means for something to be good, and what sorts of things effect its goodness.
Episode 288; Can Goodness be Divided Into Categories?
     A look at the categories of goodness, and whether there's any real difference between them.
Episode 289; Is God Truly Good?
     A look at whether God is truly good and desirable, and why some people don't desire God.
Episode 290; Is God the Ultimate Good?
     A look at what it means to be the ultimate good, and how the ultimate good compares to other good things.
Episode 291; Is Anything But God Necessarily Good?
     A look at what necessary goodness is, and whether goodness can be taken away from created things.
Episode 292; Is Every Created Good Divine?
     A look at whether our goodness really belongs to us, and what it really means to say that something is good.
Episode 293; Is God Infinite?
     A look at what it means to be infinite, and whether this limits God in any way.
Episode 294; Is Anything Other Than God Infinite?
     A look at some things people often think are infinite, and whether it's even possible for another truly infinite thing to be created.
Episode 295; Can There Ever be an Infinite Amount of Anything?
     A look at some examples of things people sometimes think are infinite in number, and whether any of them really are.
Episode 296; Is God in Everything?
     An examination of what it means to be in everything, and whether God can be in everything, without being physical.
Episode 297; Is God Everywhere?
     A few thoughts on what it means for God to be somewhere, and whether he needs physical presence to make that happen.
Episode 298; Is Anything Other Than God Everywhere?
     A look at what's meant by "everywhere," and whether anything; even the universe, can be "everywhere" in the same sense as God.
Episode 299; Can God Ever Change?
     A look at what it means to be changeable, and whether God can ever lose or gain anything.
Episode 300; Is Anything Other Than God Unchanging?
     A few thoughts on what it means to be unchanging, and whether any created thing can fit that description.
Episode 301; What is Eternity?
     A study into the relationship, if any, between eternity and time, and how we can know what eternity is.
Episode 302; Is God Eternal?
     A look at how eternity applies to God, and whether we can refer to God's actions in present, past or future tense.
Episode 303; Can We Prove There's Only One God?
     A look at a few of the methods for logically determining that there's only one God.
Episode 304; Can God Ever be Divided?
     A look at a what God would need, in order to be divided, and whether his lack of a body effects his divisibility.

Clean Cut; Season 19; Logic and Evidence
     In season 19, we'll look at some simple, logical mistakes, and how to avoid them by finding a firm foundation for our thoughts.

Episode 305; Can Our Thoughts Have a Firm Basis?
     A look at a logical error called "terminal undercutting" and how to avoid sliding into skepticism, through having a firm basis for rational thought.
Episode 306; Can I Justify Logic?
     A look at contradictions, and how to avoid them through the most basic claims of all.
Episode 307; How do I Know That I Need Evidence?
     A look proof, absolute certainty, and whether we can recognize uncertain truths.
Episode 308; What Types of Evidence Are There?
     A survey of the different kinds of evidence that people can have, and how to prove that each is valid.
Episode 309; How Can we Use Logic to Avoid Undercutting?
     A final look at how undercutting reasoning can threaten logic, and how to use a simple process to avoid this.
Episode 310; How Should the Bible be Interpreted?
     A look at the basic guidelines Catholics can use to interpret scripture.
Episode 311; Do Any Bible Verses Have an Official Interpretation?
     A look at what an "official interpretation" of a bible verse is, and what they mean for the general process of interpreting the bible.
Episode 312; Must we Decrease so That God Can Increase?
     An experiment in interpreting the scriptures. Can we actually help do the will of God, or do we need to just get out of his way?

Clean Cut; Season 20; Topics From the Comments
     In season 20, we'll go over a wide range of topics brought to my attention by the video comment section on Youtube, and which I haven't adequately addressed in the videos themselves.

Episode 313; Is Reality Larger Than the Scope of Science?
     An examination of the scope of science and its limits. We'll see what science is useful for, and why.
Episode 314; Does Believing in Absolute Truth Harm Dialogue?
     A look into the very purpose of discussion, and how the belief in truth effects our willingness to change our minds.
Episode 315; Does the Universe Require an Explanation?
     A look into science and learning, the helpfulness of truth and whether there's always an explanation.
Episode 316; Do we Need to Understand Things Outside the Universe, to Tell How it Began?
     A look at what goes on beyond the universe, and just how much we need to know about it.
Episode 317; Could God Have Prevented All Evil?
     A brief study of what would be needed to eradicate evil, and whether doing so would benefit us.
Episode 318; Should we Have More Evidence for God?
     A look into whether greater evidence would really confirm the existence of God.
Episode 319; If God is Good, Why is There So Much Suffering?
     Another look at the goodness of God and the purposes of suffering.
Episode 320; Can we be Sure That Science and Logic are Different?
     A look at the nature and scope of science, and whether logic and philosophy are needed in addition to it.
Episode 321; Does Any Type of Skepticism Make Logical Sense?
     An examination of the different kinds of skepticism, and whether any of them work.
Episode 322; What Makes a Logical Argument Good?
     A look at what's required for an argument to be valid, sound, and ultimately, good.
Episode 323; Can we Dismiss the Evidence for Miracles?
     A look at what's needed in order for something to be a delusion, and whether miracle claims fall into this category or not.
Episode 324; Is There Such a Thing as "Empirical Reality?"
     A look at what makes a thing empirical, and what makes reality real.
Episode 325; Is the Bible Sufficient?
     A look at what sufficiency is, and what the bible is sufficient for.
Episode 326; Can we be Saved Without Reading the Bible?
     A brief look at the history of the bible, and whether reading it is necessary for salvation.
Episode 327; How Many Books Should be in the Bible?
     A look at the history of various bible canons, and why some are reliable and others are not.
Episode 328; Is it Wrong to Ever Call Someone "Father?"
     A look at what's meant by this verse in the bible, and how other verses can help to clarify it.
Episode 329; Can Human Beings Earn Salvation?
     A look at what it means to "earn" something, and whether God can give us salvation, even if we do nothing.
Episode 330; Did Constantine Create the Catholic Church?
     A look at the role played by the emperor Constantine in Catholic history, and how Catholicism came to be.
Episode 331; Was St. Peter Given Real Authority?
     A look at what Jesus meant by giving keys to St. Peter, and whether the Church must be physical.
Episode 332; Was Evolution Ever Against the Catholic Faith?
     A look at what "the theory" of evolution consists of, and its history in relation to Catholic belief.
Episode 333; What's Wrong With Consequentialism?
     A look at what consequentialism is, and whether it can be held consistently.
Episode 334; Can Our Rights be Based on Societies or Governments?
     A look at what human rights really are, and how basing them on societies would effect them.
Episode 335; Can Morals be Based on the Wellbeing of Society?
     A look into how the wellbeing of society relates to morals, and whether it's possible for an entire society to be immoral.
Episode 336; Can we Have Free Will if Hell Exists?
     A study of what "free will" means, and whether the dire consequences of Hell keep us from being truly free.
Episode 337; How Could Anyone Choose Hell Over God?
     A look at the kinds of choices we make when rejecting God, and how people can make those choices.
Episode 338; Is it Possible for Nothing to Exist?
     A look at what's meant by "nothing," and whether it can have any actual existence.
Episode 339; Can we Trust Religious Experience?
     A look at what a religious experience is, and how to determine whether it's true or false.
Episode 340; Can Our Experiences Prove Anything?
     A look at our normal standards for proof by experience, and what reasons we might have to not trust it.
Episode 341; Can Science Discover the Origins of Time and Space?
     A look at the definition of science, and whether it can be used to explore beyond time and space.
Episode 342; Is Belief in God Like Belief in Santa Claus?
     A look at the traditional belief in Santa Claus, and in what ways it differs from belief in God.
Episode 343; Is Atheism Liberating?
     A look, once again, at the actual definition of "atheism," and whether there is any benefit to being an atheist.
Episode 344; Are Beliefs Different From Claims?
     A look at what's meant by "belief" and how it differs from claims and/or opinions.
Episode 345; Is the Bible Full of Myths?
     A look at what's meant by "myth," and whether the events of the bible are properly listed as myths.
Episode 346; What's the Real Definition of "Atheism?"
     A look at the purpose of definitions in general, and why the word "atheism" means what it does.
Episode 347; What Makes Moral Actions Moral?
     A look at moral ontology, and what it is about a moral action that makes it good.
Episode 348; Does Old Testament Law Order Women to Marry Their Rapists?
     A look at how the book of Deuteronomy handled rapists, marriage, stonings and the like.

Clean Cut; Season 21; Heresy
     In season 21, we'll look at heresies throughout history, to note the mistakes of each, as well as a few facts about some of them that have slipped through the cracks of history.

Episode 349; What is a Heresy?
     An look at the meaning of the word "heresy," and how it's different from apostasy.
Episode 350; Were There Heresies in the First Century?
     A brief study of the heresy of Gnosticism and the group called the circumcisors.
Episode 351; What is Montanism?
     A short summary of the career of Montanus and the mistakes made by the heresy of Montanism.
Episode 352; What is Sabellianism?
     A look at the views of Sabellius and his perspective on the personhood of God.
Episode 353; What is Arianism?
     A short look at the life and errors of Bishop Arius, and what claims he made about the nature of Jesus.
Episode 354; What is Pelagianism?
     A short study of the views of Pelagius, and the misconceptions and permutations of them that have circulated.
Episode 355; What is Nestorianism?
     A short look at Nestorius, and the mistakes surrounding his position on the term "theotokos."
Episode 356; What is Monophysitism?
     A short look at Eutyches, and the problems with his understanding of Jesus.
Episode 357; What is an Iconoclast?
     A short look at the first big Iconoclast movement, and the struggles surrounding it in the church.
Episode 358; Who Were the Cathars?
     A short look at the movement of Catharism, and the role of the Catholic Church in the Albigensian controversy.
Episode 359; What is Protestantism?
     A look at Martin Luther; his life, positions and his excommunication from the Catholic Church, as well as where we get the word "protestant" from.
Episode 360; What is Jansenism?
     A look at Bishop Jansen, the heresy that was named after him, and whether Bishop Jansen was even really a heretic.
Episode 361; What is Modernism?
     A look at the general category of views described as "modernism," and whether they could ever be compatible with truth.
Episode 362; What is Postmodernism?
     A look at the general approach to knowledge described as "postmodernism," and whether it can be called a heresy.

Clean Cut; Season 22; Grace
     In season 22, we'll look at what types of grace exist, what they do, and how they function, to usher souls to salvation.

Episode 363; What is Grace?
     A brief overview of the different meanings of the word "grace," and what types there are.
Episode 364; What is Actual Grace?
     A look at what "actual grace" is specifically, and how we receive it.
Episode 365; What is Sanctifying Grace?
     A look at what "sanctifying grace" is, and its role in salvation.
Episode 366; Are There More Than Two Types of Grace?
     A look at the various "types" of grace that are described in the Church, and whether they're all either actual or sanctifying grace.
Episode 367; What's the Process of the Salvation of Souls?
     An overview of the states that the human soul can be in, and the work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in saving souls.
Episode 368; What is Original Sin?
     A look at the sin of Adam, and its effect on the souls of every one of his descendants.
Episode 369; What Does it Mean to be Unredeemed?
     A look at how being unredeemed effected human mortality and the chance for salvation.
Episode 370; What Did Jesus Redeem Us From?
     A look into the various things that we need done for us, and which of those things the death of Jesus did for us.
Episode 371; How Can We be Justified?
     A look at what justification is, how it works, and whether it can be lost by us.
Episode 372; Can You Lose Salvation?
     A look at the state of salvation, and whether it can be lost by us.
Episode 373; Was Anyone Redeemed Before the Death of Jesus?
     A look whether anyone could be redeemed of sin before Jesus even redeemed them.

Clean Cut; Season 23; My Concerns
     In season 23, I'll address every major, faith-based issue that I've personally wrestled with, to see if they can be put to bed.

Episode 374; How Can I Learn What God is Really Like?
     An overview of the main methods that we can use, to learn and demonstrate the attributes and qualities of God.
Episode 375; What is the Plan of God for the Individual Self?
     A look at what the bible says about individuality, and whether our individual personhood can carry over into Heaven.
Episode 376; Why is God Called a Consuming Fire?
     A look at what the bible means by the fire of God, and what that fire consumes.
Episode 377; What is the Fate of Free Will in Heaven?
     A look at what the roles of the saints are in Heaven, and whether being made perfect violates their free will.
Episode 378; What is the Heart?
     A look at the various ways the word "heart" is used; what it means in science, in poetry and in the bible.
Episode 379; What is the Promise of God?
     A look at what is usually called Christian Hope, and what God promises to the faithful.
Episode 380; What is Eternal Life?
     A look at the various meanings of the phrase "eternal life," to ourselves and to the Jews who first heard it.
Episode 381; How Does Eternal Life Effect Morality?
     A look at the various things that are immoral in this life, and whether they are still immoral for people who can no longer die.
Episode 382; Can People in Heaven Have Desires?
     A look at the various options that those in Heaven have, and what the full joy of Heaven means for our desires.
Episode 383; Can People in Heaven Have Beauty?
     A look at the dangers of beauty, and whether it can make the transition to Heaven.
Episode 384; Can People in Heaven Have Competitions?
     A look at whether competition is compatible with the peace of Jesus, and what Heavenly competition might be like.
Episode 385; Can People in Heaven Appreciate Their Own Glory?
     A look at whether competition is compatible with the peace of Jesus, and what Heavenly competition might be like.
Episode 386; Can People in Heaven Be Popular?
     A look at what popularity becomes in Heaven, and whether it's a bad thing to please our fellow man.
Episode 387; Can People in Heaven Be Wise?
     A look at whether it's good to be wise, and whether wisdom is to be expected in Heaven.
Episode 388; Can People in Heaven Be Rich?
     A look at whether it's good to be rich, and whether the motives of Heaven can ever be considered "mammon."
Episode 389; What Are Riches Like in Heaven?
     A look at what the saints receive in exchange for their sacrifices, and whether the pursuit of Heaven is ever a bad investment.
Episode 390; Is it Sinful to be Rich?
     A look at whether money leads to sin, and whether we're ever obligated to *not* give our money away.
Episode 391; What Does the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man Teach About the Morality of Wealth?
     A look at the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, and whether riches distract people from their other obligations.
Episode 392; Were There Any Holy, Rich People in the Time of Jesus?
     A look at the range of wealthy people at the time of Jesus, and how they were effected by their wealth.
Episode 393; Can a Rich Person Be a Saint?
     A look at the lives of some wealthy men throughout history who became saints without giving all their riches away.
Episode 394; Can People in Heaven Have Preferences?
     A look at the meaning of the word "carnal" in the Catholic context, and whether those in Heaven can still prefer certain Earth-like things.
Episode 395; What if a Disorder Makes it Harder to do Right by God?
     A look at whether the bible talks about "disorders" and whether everyone has a disorder of one sort or another.
Episode 396; What's Needed to Make Someone Charitable?
     A look at what kinds of giving might not be charitable, and what charitable actions are like.
Episode 397; Do We Need to be Motivated Only by "Spiritual Things?"
     A look at what's meant by "spiritual," and what "spiritual bodies" are like.
Episode 398; Can We Expect Heaven to Have Bodies?
     A look at what's meant by "works of the flesh," and whether actual bodies really cause them, and are therefore bad.
Episode 399; Is There Something Wrong With Laughing?
     A look at whether laughter is a bad thing, and whether we're expected to laugh.
Episode 400; Does Heaven Provide All the Basic Needs?
     A look at the things that fulfill our basic needs in this life, and whether those same things will be in Heaven.
Episode 401; Will There be Intimacy in Heaven?
     A look at whether intimacy is good or evil, and whether it will be possible, or needed in Heaven.
Episode 402; Do Those in Heaven Have Great Pleasure?
     A look at whether all pleasure involves temptation, and whether the cross is still needed in Heaven.
Episode 403; Will There be Law in Heaven?
     A look at what problems the law of Moses had, and whether laws in Heaven will continue on as sets of rules.
Episode 404; How Righteous do We Need to be?
     A look at what it means for righteousness to abound, and what the example of the pharisees can tell us about how NOT to be righteous.
Episode 405; What Does it Mean to be Penitent?
     A look at what contrition is all about, and what "fruit worthy of penance" is.
Episode 406; How Should We Treat Our Enemies?
     A look at what is means to be an adversary, and what it means to "offend against" people.
Episode 407; What is Christian Peace?
     A look at what sorts of things can cause legitimate division among Christians, and whether unbelievers should have Christian peace.
Episode 408; What is Lust?
     A look at the differences between lust and attraction, and how we can identify lust.
Episode 409; Is Heaven the Natural Consequence of Virtue?
     A look at the consequences of practicing virtue, and whether it leads to Heaven naturally.
Episode 410; Is it Always Bad to Call Someone Foolish?
     A look at the meaning of the word "fool," and the circumstances in which it can be used.
Episode 411; How Many of Our Secrets Will be Revealed in Heaven?
     A look at what will become of secrets in Heaven, and who will know them.
Episode 412; Can Those in Heaven Recognize Beauty of Different Kinds?
     A look at what will become of beauty in Heaven, and whether differing aesthetics are possible there.
Episode 413; Why Aren't Our Prayers Always Answered?
     A look at how the answering of prayers is described in the bible, and whether we should expect our prayers to all be answered.
Episode 414; Do the Saints in Heaven Have Emotions?
     A look at what the bible says about emotions in Heaven, and whether emotions of specific types will be possible there.
Episode 415; What is a Fisher of Men?
     A look at the phrase "fishers of men" and what Jesus meant by the term.
Episode 416; Did Jesus Give Us Anything?
     A look at the meaning of the word "gift," and whether Jesus gave us a gift before we could give him anything.
Episode 417; What is the Fulfillment of All Desire?
     A look at what we deserve, and what Jesus offers us in Heaven.
Episode 418; What is the Path to Heaven?
     A look at what's meant by charity, a pure heart, a good conscience and an unfeigned faith.
Episode 419; Is Tradition Important to the Christian Faith?
     A look at whether the nature of God is timeless, and what that means for the Christian faith.
Episode 420; Will There be Games in Heaven?
     A look at what a game is, and whether the descriptions of Heaven imply the existence of games.
Episode 421; What Should We Do During a Crisis in the Church?
     A look at what a crisis in the Church is, and whether we should oppose evils within the Church.
Episode 422; When is it Alright to Expose Someone for Evildoing?
     A look at what an objectively-valid reason is, and when exposing evil is justified.
Episode 423; Should We be Trying to be Sweeter?
     A look at what being sweet is, and whether we're under any obligation as Christians to be sweet.
Episode 424; What Happens to Temptations in Heaven?
     A look at what a temptation is, and whether those in Heaven are vulnerable in the same way.
Episode 425; Does Our Penitence Need to be Based on Love of God?
     A look at what penitence is, and an examination of imperfect contrition.
Episode 426; Are My Goals Compatible With God's Goals?
     A look at the end goals of ourselves and of God, and whether both can coexist.
Episode 427; Will We do Anything but Pray in Heaven?
     A look at what life is like in Heaven, and its relation to the meaning of prayer.
Episode 428; Is Heavenly Life Uniform?
     A look at what it means for something to be uniform, and whether uniformity is a good thing to have.

Clean Cut; Season 24; Mary
     In season 24, we'll look at the various titles and roles of the Blessed Mother; Mary; the mother of Jesus, as well as some of her actions throughout history on our behalf.

Episode 429; Who is the Mother of God?
     A look at what's meant, and what isn't meant by the title "mother of God," as well as what that says about Mary and about Jesus.
Episode 430; Is it Right to Call Mary the Blessed Mother?
     A look at what it means to be blessed, according to the bible, and whether these criteria apply to Mary.
Episode 431; Is Mary Perpetually-Virgin?
     A look at the relationship between Mary and the apostle John, and what it says about her virginity.
Episode 432; How Have People Argued Against Mary's Perpetual Virginity?
     A look at the various arguments against the perpetual virginity of Mary, to see how well they hold up.
Episode 433; How Many Christians Accept Mary's Perpetual Virginity?
     A look at the views of various people of the Christian world, to see how prevalent the belief in the perpetual virginity of Mary has been throughout history.
Episode 434; Was Mary Conceived Without Sin?
     A look at the concept of the immaculate conception, and whether Mary ever had sin on her soul.
Episode 435; Are There Reasons to Think Mary Was Assumed Into Heaven?
     A look at the history of heavenly assumptions, and whether there are good reasons to believe in happened to Mary.
Episode 436; Is the Assumption of Mary Ambiguous?
     A look at the history of the belief in the assumption of Mary, and whether it's important to know whether or not she died.
Episode 437; Did Jesus Say No One Could be Raised to Heaven?
     A look at the statements of Jesus about what kinds of people can be raised to Heaven, and the difference between an assumption and an ascension.
Episode 438; What Arguments Have Been Made Against the Assumption?
     A look at the various arguments against the assumption, to see if any of them hold up well.
Episode 439; What Does Theotokos Mean?
     A brief look at the meaning and controversy of the word "theotokos."
Episode 440; How is Mary the Queen of Heaven?
     A look at the history of the Davidic kingship that Jesus carries on, and what that history has to say about the identity of the queen.
Episode 441; Does Anyone Hate Mary More Than Any Other Creature?
     A look at the history of Mary, and her effect upon Heaven, from the beginning to the present.
Episode 442; What does the Queenship of Mary Mean for Us?
     Another look at the history of the queen of the Davidic kingship, and the role she plays as intermediary between the king and his people.
Episode 443; Does Mary Crush the Head of the Serpent?
     Another look at what the bible has to say about crushing the head, and how it applies to Mary.
Episode 444; Is Mary the New Eve?
     A short study of the biblical evidence that Mary is the New Eve, and what similarities there are between Eve and Mary.
Episode 445; Where Did Rosary Beads Come From?
     A short look at the history of hermits, religious orders and the beads they used for prayers.
Episode 446; Where Did the Rosary Come From?
     A short look at the history of the Hail Mary and the believed origins of the Rosary as a whole.
Episode 447; What Was Lepanto?
     A short history of the battle of Lepanto, and the role that the Rosary played in it.
Episode 448; What Good Has the Rosary Done?
     A few historical events that the rosary has been involved in.
Episode 449; What Are the Promises of the Rosary?
     An examination of the 15 promises of the rosary, and what each one means.
Episode 450; What is the Filioque?
     A look at the history of the filioque controversy, and whether there's any serious problems with it today.

Clean Cut; Season 25; Heresies Part 2
     In Season 25, we'll finish a brief look at the various heresies that have existed throughout history; their distinct claims, if any, and why they ultimately all failed.

Episode 451; What Was Monarchianism?
     A short look at the historical heresy of Monarchianism; its claims and its problems.
Episode 452; What Was Marcionism?
     A short look at the historical heresy of Marcionism and what makes it similar to other Gnostic heresies.
Episode 453; What Was Docetism?
     A short look at the historical heresy of Docetism and what evidence there is that Jesus had a body.
Episode 454; What Was Audianism?
     A short look at the historical heresy of Audianism, what specific beliefs the Audians held, and what those beliefs are called now.
Episode 455; What was Macedonianism?
     A look at the heresy of Macedonianism, and the various reasons to believe that the Holy Spirit really is God.
Episode 456; What is Donatism?
     A look at the heresy of Donatism, how it began, and where the term "traitor" comes from.
Episode 457; Who Were the Circumcellions?
     A look at the heresy of the circumcellions; what they did, and why it was wrong.
Episode 458; What is Apollinarism?
     A look at the heresy of Apollinarism, and how we can know that Jesus had a human mind.
Episode 459; What is Monothelitism?
     A look at the heresies of Monothelitism and Monoenergism, and how we can know that Jesus had a human energy and will.
Episode 460; Who Were the Waldensians?
     A look at the heretical movement started by Peter Waldo, and its similarities to protestantism.
Episode 461; What is Gallicanism?
     A look at the heretical movement of Gallicanism, the nature of Ultramontanism, and some other, similar "isms."
Episode 462; What is Mormonism?
     A look at the claims of Joseph Smith, and whether there's evidence to support them.
Episode 463; Who Are the Jehovah's Witnesses?
     A look at the beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and whether they can be considered Christian.
Episode 464; Are There Any Heresies I Haven't Heard of?
     A brief summary at the various remaining heresies that I haven't done individual videos about.

Clean Cut; Season 26; Prayers and Creeds Part 2
     In Season 26, we'll look at some of the lesser-known prayers of the Christian world, to see what each implies about the faith and the Church.

Episode 465; What's the Meaning of the Jesus Prayer?
     A brief look at a very familiar prayer, which is more popular in the eastern Church.
Episode 466; What Does the Litany of Humility Mean?
     A brief look at a prayer specifically about humility, and what its statements mean about true humility.
Episode 467; What Does the Prayer of Saint Francis Mean?
     A brief look at a prayer often associated with Saint Francis, and an examination of its meaning.
Episode 468; What's the Meaning of the Dies Irae?
     A brief look at a hymn about judgment, and how we should see the judgment of God.
Episode 469; What Does the Regina Caeli Mean?
     A brief look at a chant about Jesus and Mary, what the resurrection of Jesus means for His mother.
Episode 470; What Does the Libera Me Mean?
     A brief look at a responsory about the final day, and an analysis of how to prepare for it.
Episode 471; What's the Meaning of the Miraculous Medal Prayer?
     A short look at the history of the miraculous medal, and the prayer associated with it.
Episode 472; Are There Any Traditional Prayers to Saint Joseph?
     A short look at an ancient prayer to the father of Jesus; Saint Joseph.
Episode 473; Is There a Prayer to Saint Thomas Aquinas?
     A short look at a prayer to Saint Thomas Aquinas; the Angelic Doctor of the Church.
Episode 474; Is There a Prayer to Saint Anthony?
     A short look at a prayer to Saint Anthony, and his role as the patron saint of lost items.
Episode 475; What Does the Veni Sancte Spiritus Mean?
     A short look at a translation of a latin prayer about the Holy Spirit.
Episode 476; What does the Veni Creator Spiritus Mean?
     A short look at an english verstion of a prayer about the Holy Spirit as Creator.
Episode 477; What Are the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
     A short look at a prayer specifically about the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Episode 478; What Does the Prayer to the Holy Spirit Mean?
     A short look at a prayer directly to the Holy Spirit.
Episode 479; What's the Meaning of the Holy Spirit Novena?
     A short look at a novena prayer all about the Holy Spirit.
Episode 480; What Does Tantum Ergo Mean?
     An examination of a hymn about the eucharist, and the meaning of the "new rite."
Episode 481; What Does Immaculate Mary Mean?
     An examination of a hymn about Mary, and our relationship with her as people and as members of the Church.
Episode 482; What's the Meaning of Saint Patrick's Prayer?
     An short look at a prayer believed to have been written over 1500 years ago by Saint Patrick.
Episode 483; What is Saint Augustine's Prayer to Our Almighty Father?
     An short look at a prayer believed to have been written by Saint Augustine about the qualities of God.

Clean Cut; Season 27; The Psalms Part 1
     In Season 27, we'll analyze some of the psalms to see what they say, and what they don't say about God and the faith.

Episode 484; What's the Meaning of the First Psalm?
     A psalm about the fate of the just and the wicked.
Episode 485; What's the Meaning of the Second Psalm?
     A psalm about evildoers, and what God will do about them, along with advice for the powerful.
Episode 486; What's the Meaning of the Third Psalm?
     A psalm about being outnumbered, and how much faith we can have in our own victory, if we remain faithful to God.
Episode 487; What's the Meaning of the Fourth Psalm?
     A psalm about the behavior of people, and of thanks and praise for what God does for us.
Episode 488; What's the Meaning of the Fifth Psalm?
     A psalm of appeal to the mercy of God to rescue us from our evil enemies.
Episode 489; What's the Meaning of the Sixth Psalm?
     A psalm of sorrowful appeal to God for mercy in the face of horrible opposition.
Episode 490; What's the Meaning of the Seventh Psalm?
     A psalm of appeal to God for justice against evildoers, and protection for the just.
Episode 491; What's the Meaning of the Eighth Psalm?
     A psalm of praise to God and appreciation of his transcendant qualities, and his wonderful works.
Episode 492; What's the Meaning of the Ninth Psalm?
     A psalm of appeal to God for liberation from the oppression of evildoers, and freedom from our enemies.
Episode 493; What's the Meaning of the Tenth Psalm?
     A psalm about the choices that both good and evil people make, and the inevitable justice of God.
Episode 494; What's the Meaning of the Eleventh Psalm?
     A psalm of appeal to God, during times of much evildoing, and many liars and false prophets.
Episode 495; What's the Meaning of the Twelfth Psalm?
     A psalm of appeal to God, during times of near-despair, and questioning about the apparent advantages of evildoers.
Episode 496; What's the Meaning of the Thirteenth Psalm?
     A psalm about the ways of evildoers, and their ultimate fate.
Episode 497; What's the Meaning of the Fourteenth Psalm?
     A psalm about the way to follow God, and the behaviors we need to avoid, in order to approach perfection.
Episode 498; What's the Meaning of the Fifteenth Psalm?
     A psalm of promises to follow the way of God, in pursuit of true happiness and fulfillment.
Episode 499; What's the Meaning of the Sixteenth Psalm?
     A psalm of appeal to God, to be saved from one's enemies, and also reassurance that the path our enemies follow is a fruitless one.
Episode 500; What's the Meaning of the Seventeenth Psalm?
     A longer psalm, giving praise to God for the good things he's done for us, and acknowledging our dependence on Him.
Episode 501; What's the Meaning of the Eighteenth Psalm?
     A psalm of pure praise and thanksgiving for the attributes, gifts and greatness of almighty God.
Episode 502; What's the Meaning of the Nineteenth Psalm?
     A positive psalm of praise and well-wishing for God and for others respectively.
Episode 503; What's the Meaning of the Twentieth Psalm?
     A psalm of praise to God for many of the good things that he's done for the king.
Episode 504; What's the Meaning of the Twenty-First Psalm?
     A psalm about the severity of suffering, and the great hope that we have in God.
Episode 505; What's the Meaning of the Twenty-Second Psalm?
     A psalm of pure praise and thanksgiving for the good things that God does for us.
Episode 506; What's the Meaning of the Twenty-Third Psalm?
     A psalm of praise for God as a victorious king.
Episode 507; What's the Meaning of the Twenty-Fourth Psalm?
     A psalm of pleading and hope to God for the good things that he can do to save us from harm, humiliation and distress.
Episode 508; What's the Meaning of the Twenty-Fifth Psalm?
     A psalm of promises of faithfulness and holiness, as well as claims of innocence and righteousness.

Clean Cut; Season 28; More Comment Topics
     In Season 28, we'll address a few more topics brought up in various comments, about the afterlife and the faith.

Episode 509; Is There Art in Heaven?
     A look at what the bible has to say about Heavenly art, and some insights in what kinds of art might be in Heaven, according to God's perfection.
Episode 510; How do we Know we Have the Right Baptism Formula?
     An examination of the formula used for baptism, and where the biblical and historical evidence points with regard to which formula should be used for baptising people.
Episode 511; How Effective are the Prayers of the Unbaptised?
     An examination of the relationship between baptism, sin, forgiveness and the effectiveness of our prayers to God.
Episode 512; Why Doesn't God do Miracles More Often?
     An examination of the nature of miracles, and some estimates of the possible motives of God in withholding some supernatural intervention most of the time.
Episode 513; Why Should we Think that Jesus Died?
     An examination of the various pieces of historical evidence supporting the claim that Jesus was crucified.
Episode 514; Is There More to People Than Just Their Bodies?
     An examination of the dualist view, and some of the things about people that aren't entirely bodily.
Episode 515; Does God Will Everything That Happens?
     A reflection on the nature of God's will, and the source of all real evil.
Episode 516; Can the Church be Corrupted?
     A contemptation of what kinds of churches can be corrupted, to what degree, and an examination of the nature of the Catholic Church.
Episode 517; Who Made us Subject to Futility?
     Of all the things we suffer under, one of the most painful is futility. Who is really responsible for this terrible transgression against mankind?
Episode 518; What's the Problem With Lutheranism?
     An examination of the views of Martin Luther, which differ from Catholic views, and some reasons to think the Lutheran position isn't entirely scriptural.
Episode 519; What's the Problem with Calvinism?
     An examination of the views of Calvinism, which differ from Catholic views, and some reasons to think the Calvinist position isn't entirely correct.
Episode 520; Do we Need to be Satisfied?
     An look at the nature of satisfaction, whether we can expect to have it in this life, and where satisfaction can be gotten from.
Episode 521; Why Were There Old Testament Animal Sacrifices?
     A look at the issue of God's motivations in instituting the animal sacrifices, some of the animals sacrificed, and what kind of reason there might have been for this practice.
Episode 522; Do Faithful Christians Have Glory Now?
     A look at the nature of Christian glory, when we acquire it, and whether we can be said to have it in this life.
Episode 523; Can Nature be Changed?
     A look at what nature is, what kinds of nature there are, and how many of those kinds can be changed.
Episode 524; Why Should we Care About the Afterlife?
     A look at how the existence of Heaven effects our identity, our relationship to others and to the natural world, and why we should concern ourselves with it.
Episode 525; Is Perfection Sameness?
     A look at the nature of perfection, and whether perfect things can be different from each other.
Episode 526; Is Heaven Timeless?
     A look at what qualities a timeless being would have, and whether we have any reason to think that the angels and saints experience Heaven timelessly.
Episode 527; Are our Virtues Worthless in Heaven?
     A look at the effects of virtue, the various things that make virtue worthwhile, and the real reason why virtue has value to begin with.
Episode 528; Is Risk Needed for Thrills?
     A look at the role played by failure and death in the acquiring of thrills, and whether we need to believe in a failure-free Heaven.
Episode 529; Is Thirst Needed to Enjoy a Drink?
     A look at the role that deprivation plays in our enjoyment of certain goods, and whether having what we need in Heaven would keep us from enjoying it.
Episode 530; Can People in Heaven be Happy with the Knowledge of Hell?
     A look at what it means to have knowledge of the suffering of Hell, why it happens, and what it says about the happiness of the saints.
Episode 531; How Can Heaven Have Happiness if All you do is Worship?
     An examination of the type, nature and purpose of worship of God in Heaven, and a few ways in which Heavenly worship differs from Earthly worship.
Episode 532; How Can the Saints Endure an Infinite Tomorrow?
     A brief look at some examples of how eternal life could be maddening, and an examination of why Heaven isn't difficult to endure, based on its relationship to God.

Clean Cut; Season 29; The Parables of Jesus
     In Season 29, we'll do an analysis of the various parables of Jesus, seeking insight, context and further explanations of each.

Episode 533; What is the Pearl of Great Price?
     An analysis of the parables of the treasure in the field and the pearl of great price, and what these parables have to tell us about the nature of Heaven.
Episode 534; What's the Meaning of the Parable of the Sower?
     An analysis of the parable of the sower, and an examination of how to avoid becoming the kinds of seeds that don't bear fruit.
Episode 535; How is Heaven Like a Seed?
     An analysis of the parables of the mustard seed and the growth of seeds; what each says about Heaven, and how hyperbolic language can be used to illustrate important points by Jesus.
Episode 536; What Does the Parable of the Leaven Mean?
     An analysis of the parable of the leaven; what leaven is, what it does, and what it means to add leaven to meal.
Episode 537; What do the Parables About Lost Sheep and Coins Mean?
     A look at the parable of the lost sheep, in the context of what life was like for first century shepherds, as well as why a woman would celebrate over finding some lost coins.
Episode 538; What Does the Parable of the Prodigal Son Mean?
     A look at the parable of the prodigal son, the motives of the two sons and what this parable says about what our priorities should be.
Episode 539; What Does the Parable of the Good Samaritan Mean?
     An examination of the priests and levites of the time, of the methods used to treat the injured man's wounds, and the overall message of the parable in the context of the relations between Jews and Samaritans of the time.
Episode 540; What Does the Parable of the Two Debtors Mean?
     An examination of the worth of the debts owed by the two debtors, what it meant to "be sold" in New Testament times, and the right and wrong ways to look at the forgiveness of God.
Episode 541; What Does the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Mean?
     An examination of the amount owed by the unforgiving servant, a discussion of the value of a talent, and the correct response to being forgiven of a debt.
Episode 542; What's the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector?
     An examination of the prayer of the pharisee; what he prayed about, and what kinds of things he could and should have prayed about, in order to improve his relationship with God.
Episode 543; Why Are There Parables About Bothering People?
     An examination of the parables of the friend who requested bread late at night, and the widow, seeking justice from a judge who doesn't fear God or man. These parables share common themes and a common message.
Episode 544; What's the Meaning of the Parable of the Faithful Servant?
     An examination of the parable of the faithful servant, and the meaning of its references to porters, stewards and the meaning of authority and culpability.
Episode 545; Why Did the Ten Virgins Need Oil?
     An examination of the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, with a full explanation of the context of the jewish wedding feast needed to understand it, and a bit about ancient lamps and the oil they used.
Episode 546; What does the Parable of the Great Banquet Mean for Us?
     A study of the banquet being held by a king, which guests are invited to, through the lens of the ancient Jewish customs, which would have been familiar at the time this parable was written.
Episode 547; What Can be Learned from the Parable of the Rich Fool?
     A look at the rich man who received many good fruits, and why his response to that good fortune was foolish, as well as a few other things he could have done to benefit both himself and others.
Episode 548; What is the Parable of the Bad Tenants Really About?
     A look at what a tenant is, what the vineyard-owner did for his tenants, and the implications of their actions against his servants and son, as well as what all of this has to say about the life of Jesus and the history of Christianity.
Episode 549; In the Parable of the Weeds, Why Not Just Pull Them Up?
     An identification of the type of weeds in the field with the wheat, and an explanation of why they couldn't just be removed safely.
Episode 550; Why Does the Fisherman Throw Fish Back in the Parable of the Net?
     A look at why fishermen would throw some fish back, and how that relates to our relationship with God and our ultimate fate in the afterlife.
Episode 551; What Can People Learn From the Parable of the Budding Fig Tree?
     A brief look at the comparison between a budding fig tree, and signs that indicate things about the future, as well as an analysis of the predictions that Jesus makes just after this parable is used.
Episode 552; What is the Real Message of the Barren Fig Tree?
     A short look at the parable of the barren fig tree; what's done to keep trees from being barren, what it means to be barren, and what happens to trees that never bear fruit, as well as what all of that means in the context of history.
Episode 553; What's the Difference Between a Wise and Foolish Builder?
     An examination of the implications of building on firm rock, vs sand, and the advantages and dangers of each, as well as what makes them similar to the different responses to the commands of God.
Episode 554; What Does the Parable of the Lamp and the Bushel Mean?
     A brief study of how candles work; what happens when they're put in plain view, and what happens when they're put under a bushel, as well as the significance of the "light" metaphor.
Episode 555; What is an Unjust Steward in the Parable?
     A look at what a steward is, and why it's best to make decisions that benefit people other than just yourself.
Episode 556; Why Was the Rich Man Doomed for Not Helping Lazarus?
     An examination of what the fates of Lazarus and the rich man have to say about the afterlife, and about our own moral obligations, as well as a brief study of what the rich man's choices imply about him.
Episode 557; What Does the Parable of the Talents Imply?
     An examination of what a talent is, and the comparison between financial investments and learning to do your best for God with what you have.
Episode 558; What does the Parable of the Vineyard Workers Mean?
     A look at what kinds of wages were being offered by the vineyard-owner, for how much work, and what that implies for the payment God offers.
Episode 559; Why Separate New From Old in the Parable of the Wineskins?
     An examination of how wine fermentation in wineskins was accomplished in the ancient world, and what it implies in the context of this parable.
Episode 560; What is the Parable of the Strong Man Really About?
     A look at the context of the parable of the strong man, and how the parable addresses the accusations that were being leveled against Jesus.
Episode 561; Is There a Parable About Calculating Costs?
     An examination of what the parable of calculating costs means, and what Jesus meant when he said that his followers need to renounce their possessions.
Episode 562; Why Doesn't the Master Thank His Servant in the Parable?
     A discussion of the master who doesn't thank his servant, and one fact about these two which is severely overlooked in sermons.
Episode 563; What Does the Parable of the Two Sons Say About Obedience?
     A brief look at the parable about two sons who were told to help with the work in their father's vineyard, what it says about obedience, and what the reactions of the pharisees says about modern church leadership.
Episode 564; What do the Seats Mean in the Parable of the Wedding Feast?
     A look at the practice of picking seats at an ancient wedding feast, how and why a person would pick a higher seat, and what this is similar to in modern times, which should also be avoided.
Episode 565; What Does the Parable of the Sheep and Goats Really Imply?
     A look at the parable of sheep and goats, how sheep and goats behave towards each other, and what it takes to be a sheep in the New Testament sense.
Episode 566; What do the Children in the Marketplace Signify?
     A look at comparison that Jesus makes between the people of his generation and immature children, and an examination of what the religious leaders of his time had done to deserve such a comparison.

Clean Cut; Season 30; The Councils of the Church - Part 1
     In Season 30, we'll look at the circumstances that surrounded the first 10 councils of the Church, and what each of those councils accomplished.

Episode 567; What Kinds of Issues Were Settled at the First Gathering at Jerusalem?
     A study of the gathering of the apostles and other Church leaders in Jerusalem, and how it set the tone for the councils that would later follow.
Episode 568; What Was the First Council of Nicaea Really About?
     A summary of the circumstances, main topics and rulings of the first Council of Nicaea, and what happened as a result of it.
Episode 569; What Was the First Council of Constantinople Really About?
     A look at the known Canons of the first council of Constantinople, the heresies it dealt with and the changes it made.
Episode 570; What Was the Council of Ephesus Really About?
     A summary of the main points about Jesus established at the Council of Ephesus.
Episode 571; What Was the Council of Chalcedon Really About?
     A summary of what the Council of Chalcedon established about the natures of Jesus, the various canons of the council, and some historical context for the council itself.
Episode 572; What Was the Second Council of Constantinople Really About?
     A look at the purpose of the second council on Constantinople, and the kinds of errors it addressed, as well as the existing doctrines that it reaffirmed.
Episode 573; What Was the Third Council of Constantinople Really About?
     A look at the errors condemned by the third council of Constantinople, the historical context in which it came about, and what the judgments of this council have to say about papal infallibility.
Episode 574; What Was the Second Council of Nicaea Really About?
     A look at the historical context and rulings of the second council of Nicaea, and the issue of the iconoclasts, which it had to deal with.
Episode 575; What Was the Fourth Council of Constantinople Really About?
     A brief overview of the history of the Photian Schism; the identity of Photius, his relationship with the Emperor, and the calling of the fourth council of Constantinople, as well as what was decided at the council, and what's happened as a result of it since then.
Episode 576; What Was the First Lateran Council Really About?
     A short overview of the issues decided at the first Lateran council; the significance of those issues, and the worldly affairs that made the council necessary.
Episode 577; What Was the Second Lateran Council Really About?
     A look at the issues decided at the second Lateran council and what's meant by the term "antipope."

Clean Cut; Season 31; The Bible and Perennial Issues
     In Season 31, we'll look at some perennial issues that keep popping up, age after age, and what the bible has to say about them, as well as a few points about the faith that have been recently challenged by people on the internet.

Episode 578; How do We Know How Many Books Should be in the Bible?
     A list of the books contained in the traditional, Catholic bible, in contrast to those contained in protestant bibles, and an examination and analysis of the various lines of reasoning that can be used to determine which books belong there. These methods of reasoning are explored and analyzed from the perspective of whether it's possible for any other books to be admitted.
Episode 579; Where Did We Get the Name of Jesus?
     A brief look at the history of the name of Jesus; where it originally comes from, and how and why the pronunciation of the name of Jesus has changed over time.
Episode 580; How Are Leaders Supposed to Behave?
     A short look at the guidance and instruction that the bible specifically gives to leaders and employers, as well as some important notes about the nature and origins of human leadership.
Episode 581; What Can be Learned From the Sword of Saint Peter?
     An examination and analysis of the bible verses that refer to the sword of St. Peter, and how Jesus intended for it to be used.
Episode 582; What Does the Bible Say About Doctors and Medicine?
     A study and analysis of the bible verses that refer to physicians, how they should be treated, and how to obtain good health.
Episode 583; What Does the Bible Say About Teaching and Education?
     A look at the various bible verses about teaching and learning, and what they have to say about philosophy, science and the teaching of children.
Episode 584; What Does the Bible Say About Our Environment?
     An examination of the nature of our earthly environment, and how we should treat the various parts of that environment, because of God's relationship to it, and to us.
Episode 585; What Does the Bible Say About Prejudice?
     A look at the various verses in the bible having to do with pre-judging people, and what that says about the ways in which we should judge, and the ways we shouldn't.
Episode 586; What Does the Bible Say About Property?
     A look at where our right to our property really comes from, how far that right extends, and what kinds of obligations it places on us.
Episode 587; What Does the Bible Say About Manipulation?
     A look at what manipulation is, what the bible describes that's close to manipulation, and whether you can manipulate someone for their own good.
Episode 588; What Does the Bible Say About Economics?
     A look at the purpose and value of money, and what we need to do, in order to be responsible and moral with it.
Episode 589; What Does the Bible Say About Criminal Justice?
     A look at the true nature of justice, how to judge correctly and fairly, what kinds of enforcement should take place and when, and who the ultimate judge is and why.
Episode 590; What Does the Bible Say About Freedom?
     A study of the two different kinds of freedom, how free each one is, and whether there's secret restrictions built into either of them, as well as where those freedoms lead you.

Clean Cut; Season 32; The Psalms Part 2
     In Season 32, we'll analyze more of the psalms to see what they say, and what they don't say about God and the faith.

Episode 591; What's the Meaning of the Twenty-Sixth Psalm?
     A psalm of faith and worship, expressing longing for the greater things that God has to offer, and gratitude for his help against our enemies.
Episode 592; What's the Meaning of the Twenty-Seventh Psalm?
     A psalm requesting the support of God, praising him, and seeking his justice in bringing about a good outcome, and punishing evil deeds.
Episode 593; What's the Meaning of the Twenty-Eighth Psalm?
     A psalm of praise, listing certain sacrifices to God, and making various positive comparisons between God and things in the world, while also recognizing His power over all things.
Episode 594; What's the Meaning of the Twenty-Ninth Psalm?
     A psalm of thanksgiving to God; recognizing the existence of hard times, and how the passing away of hard times makes good times feel even better, and helps us see the value of the good things God gives us.
Episode 595; What's the Meaning of the Thirtieth Psalm?
     A psalm of pleading and devotion in hard times, recognizing our obligations, but also petitioning God for protection and justice again our enemies.
Episode 596; What's the Meaning of the Thirty-First Psalm?
     A psalm recognizing the great forgiveness of God and its value, as well as a few things about what's important, and needed in order to obtain forgiveness.
Episode 597; What's the Meaning of the Thirty-Second Psalm?
     A psalm of praise for God, which explores the good things God does for us and provides for us, as well as His just and good nature.
Episode 598; What's the Meaning of the Thirty-Third Psalm?
     A psalm of praise for God, outlining the different fates of the just and the unjust, and explaining why people are fully justified in putting their hope in God.
Episode 599; What's the Meaning of the Thirty-Fourth Psalm?
     A psalm pleading with God for protection and assistance, both physical and spiritual, along with some descriptions of the sorts of things we need protection from.
Episode 600; What's the Meaning of the Thirty-Fifth Psalm?
     A psalm listing some of the behaviors of evildoers, the promises to God to save people from them, and some of the methods he plans to use.
Episode 601; What's the Meaning of the Thirty-Sixth Psalm?
     A psalm advising against envying evil-doers, explaining reasons why, advantages to doing what's right, and explanations of what God does for those who obey Him.
Episode 602; What's the Meaning of the Thirty-Seventh Psalm?
     A pleading psalm, about the predicament and sinfulness of the soul, acknowledging our wrongdoing, and appealing to God to save us in spite of our sins and weaknesses.
Episode 603; What's the Meaning of the Thirty-Eighth Psalm?
     A psalm of pleading for mercy and admission of guilt; embracing humility and our own helplessness, and yet recognizing that there are things we can do, to prepare us to receive God's mercy.
Episode 604; What's the Meaning of the Thirty-Ninth Psalm?
     A psalm of praise and repentence; acknowledging our sins and the great ability of God to forgive them and save and protect people through mercy and great gifts, along with some direct requests to be saved from enemies.
Episode 605; What's the Meaning of the Fortieth Psalm?
     A psalm of appeal for justice; to be exonerated of false charges leveled against the psalmist, and to get some measure of payback against one's enemies.
Episode 606; What's the Meaning of the Forty-First Psalm?
     A psalm expressing a deep longing for God, and to see His face, as well as praising Him in many ways for his greatness.
Episode 607; What's the Meaning of the Forty-Second Psalm?
     A short psalm requesting fair judgment and guidance from God, and praising him for the help that he's already provided.
Episode 608; What's the Meaning of the Forty-Third Psalm?
     A psalm recalling the past actions of God, to praise him for what he did in the past, in addition to what He's done for each of us, as well as some misfortunes that were caused by God in a certain sense.
Episode 609; What's the Meaning of the Forty-Fourth Psalm?
     A psalm giving compliments and advice to a good king, to a daughter, and to God, frequently alternating between them in a somewhat confusing way.
Episode 610; What's the Meaning of the Forty-Fifth Psalm?
     A psalm of reasons to trust God, and not be afraid, no matter what happens, along with some examples of things God is, does and has done, which should reassure scared people.
Episode 611; What's the Meaning of the Forty-Sixth Psalm?
     A psalm of pure praise and gratitude to God in joyful celebration, using a lot of imagery related to celebrations and joy in ancient Israel.
Episode 612; What's the Meaning of the Forty-Seventh Psalm?
     A psalm of praise to God, respecting his past actions and expressing his greatness, to promote holiness and justice among the people.
Episode 612; What's the Meaning of the Forty-Seventh Psalm?
     A psalm of praise to God, respecting his past actions and expressing his greatness, to promote holiness and justice among the people.
Episode 613; What's the Meaning of the Forty-Eighth Psalm?
     A psalm of warning to those who don't acknowledge their mortality or its implications, but also comfort for those seeking justice from the oppression of the rich.
Episode 614; What's the Meaning of the Forty-Ninth Psalm?
     A psalm about our relationship with God, our need for holiness and faithfulness, his generocity and perfection, and yet, willingness to forgive and offer us things we don't deserve.
Episode 615; What's the Meaning of the Fiftieth Psalm?
     A psalm of repentence and sorrow for sin, as well as pleading with God for forgiveness and the eradication of personal sin and guilt.

Clean Cut; Season 33; Being More Like Jesus
     In Season 33, we'll examine the traits, practices and virtues of Jesus, to see how much, and in what ways we can become more like him.

Episode 616; What Was the Devotion of Jesus Like?
     A study of the degree to which Jesus prioritized His relationship with His Father, and how much he valued that relationship, as well as how important the will of God was to Him.
Episode 617; What Was the Humility of Jesus Like?
     A study of the nature of humility, of how Jesus viewed Himself, what His humility motivated Him to do, as well as how it effected His relationship with God the Father.
Episode 618; What Was the Prayer Life of Jesus Like?
     A look at the power of prayer, the practices of Jesus when praying, and how and for what purposes Jesus prayed, as well as the types of prayer that Jesus advised people to say.
Episode 619; How Did Jesus Treat the Faithful?
     A look at how Jesus acts towards those who have faith; his love and generocity to them, and his willingness to challenge them to do even more.
Episode 620; What Was the Judgment of Jesus Like?
     A look at how Jesus judged the faith of others, and how he treated others based on their differing actions, as well as the kinds of judgments that he criticized.
Episode 621; How Did Jesus Show Compassion Through Service?
     A look at who Jesus served, how he served them, why they needed the service of someone like Jesus, and how his generous actions benefitted the people of his time, as well as how we can imitate his example of service.
Episode 622; How Did Jesus Respond to His Critics?
     A look at the patterns of responses given by Jesus to those who publicly accused him of doing wrong, and how it differed from the way He talked to those to accused Him in private.
Episode 623; How Did Jesus Respond to Dishonesty?
     A study of the different types of dishonesty faced by Jesus, and what his response was to direct falsehoods, to insincere offers made to him, and to false requests, made by people who had no intention of accepting what they'd asked for.
Episode 624; How Did Jesus Respond to His Enemies?
     A study of the different types of enemies that Jesus confronted, what the proper context is for turning the other cheek, and when it's appropriate to respond to others with harsh words, as well as when the use of force is justified.
Episode 625; What Was the Courage of Jesus Like?
     A look at the various kinds of dangers and powerful adversaries that Jesus faced without fear, and a comparison between His courage and the courage of others, as well as His description of what people should fear.
Episode 626; What Was the Respect of Jesus Like?
     A look at the levels and types of respect that Jesus showed to various people, and how that respect manifested, as well as the circumstances under which respect shouldn't be shown.
Episode 627; What Was the Prudence of Jesus Like?
     A look at some of the various ways in which Jesus exercised prudence, and what that shows us about the prudent approach to various topics and various issues.
Episode 628; What Were the Feelings of Jesus Like?
     A look at the various types of emotions that Jesus expressed, and what prompted him to feel frustrated, sad or joyful.
Episode 629; What Were the Values of Jesus Like?
     A selection of things that Jesus valued and prioritized in his decisions, including life, truth, the salvation of souls, compassion and the value of human beings.

Clean Cut; Season 34; The Temptations
     In Season 34, we'll do an overview of the many temptations people have, how each can lead us into sin, and how we should view each one.

Episode 630; What Kind of Temptation is Power?
     A study of what power is; the distinction between relative and objective power, and which is more difficult to use for good, as well as some examples of people who had those types of power.
Episode 631; What Kind of Temptation is Prestige?
     A look at the kinds of people who seek prestige, the motives for doing so, and what reasons we can have for rejecting the temptation of prestige when it's used against our relationship with God.
Episode 632; What Kind of Temptation is Acceptance?
     A look at what it really means to be accepted, why we want it, and why it's almost never good for us, as well as the kind of acceptance we should be looking for.
Episode 633; What Kind of Temptation is Pleasure?
     A look at what pleasure is, what types it has, how it differs from joy, and how the pursuit of it can harm us, as well as why God created it, and what God's ultimate plan is for pleasure.
Episode 634; What Kind of Temptation is Security?
     A look at what security is, what types of security people can desire, what kinds of dangers we face, and what kind of security should be pursued most.
Episode 635; What Kind of Temptation is Riches?
     A look at what money really is, where its power comes from, the advantages and drawbacks of that power, and the types of danger that the pursuit of riches leaves people open to.
Episode 636; What Kind of Temptation is Sloth?
     A look at what makes us shy away from hard work, what kind of work we want to do and why, as well as why we need to commit to difficult tasks in this life, in order to do the right thing.
Episode 637; What Kind of Temptations are Our Longings?
     A look at what makes a longing different from a wish, whether our longings can be fulfilled, and how attempting to fulfill them can lead us into disaster if we're not careful.
Episode 638; What Kind of Temptations are Accomplishments?
     A look at what types of things people try to accomplish, what the dangers are of a relentless pursuit of desired accomplishments, and how our wished-for accomplishments should really be obtained.
Episode 639; What Kind of Temptation is Knowledge?
     A look at what types of knowledge there are, what knowledge should be pursued most, the relationship between knowledge and wisdom, as well as how the blind pursuit of secret knowledge can lead to danger.
Episode 640; What Kind of Temptation is Excitement?
     A look at excitement; what it is and why we seek it, as well as the risks to obsessing over it, and the real reason why people feel they shouldn't have to experience boredom.
Episode 641; What Kind of Temptation is Beauty?
     An analysis of what people mean by "beauty," what beauty actually is, and the dangers involved in obsessing over it.
Episode 642; What Kind of Temptation is Satisfaction?
     An analysis of the idea of satisfaction, the misconceptions people have of it, and the dangers those misconceptions expose them to, as well as where authentic satisfaction can be gotten from.
Episode 643; Why Should We Believe That God is the Source of All Goodness?
     An examination of some of the reasons to think that God is the source of all goodness, as well as how the belief in the infinite ability of God to produce good things in Heaven helps us to resist temptation and put our lives in order.

Clean Cut; Season 35; The Psalms Part 3
     In Season 35, we'll analyze more of the psalms to see what they say, and what they don't say about God and the faith.

Episode 644; What's the Meaning of the Fifty-First Psalm?
     A psalm lamenting the deeds of evildoers, and their horrible choices to cause harm and do worse evil, while also reinforcing the source of the real hope that good people have.
Episode 645; What's the Meaning of the Fifty-Second Psalm?
     A psalm lamenting the widespread committing of sins, how few people seek to know God and the foolishness of atheism, while also reminding us of the consequences of these things.
Episode 646; What's the Meaning of the Fifty-Third Psalm?
     A psalm of pleading to God for just judgment, mercy and protection from evildoers, as well as promises to praise God and worship Him because of His goodness and justice.
Episode 647; What's the Meaning of the Fifty-Fourth Psalm?
     A psalm of pleading to God for rescue and a means of escape from evildoers, as well as reassurances that God can be trusted to bring justice against those who do evil, no matter how long it takes.
Episode 648; What's the Meaning of the Fifty-Fifth Psalm?
     A psalm of pleading to God for mercy and safety from evildoers, along with promises to worship and honor God for the good he does for us, and expressions of confidence in God and His goodness.
Episode 649; What's the Meaning of the Fifty-Sixth Psalm?
     A psalm of praise to God for His mercy and the good things he's done, along with promises to worship God gratefully, and a short plea for assistance.
Episode 650; What's the Meaning of the Fifty-Seventh Psalm?
     A psalm of reprimands against unjust people, and pointing out their unwillingness to provide justice for others, while demanding it for themselves.
Episode 651; What's the Meaning of the Fifty-Eighth Psalm?
     A psalm of pleas to God for help and protection against evil enemies, who try to harm the innocent, praise to God for his power and goodness, and a request to scatter evildoers, but to allow them to live.
Episode 652; What's the Meaning of the Fifty-Nineth Psalm?
     A psalm of pleas to God, and recognition of His actions on behalf of his followers, as well as praise to God for having guided King David to many victories.
Episode 653; What's the Meaning of the Sixtieth Psalm?
     A psalm pleading for God to listen, then shifting immediately to pure praise and gratitude to God for what He does for us.