Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Biblical Walk Through the Mass

By Edward Sri

Catholic-ometer: 5 of 5

Enjoyability: 5 of 5

I've heard a number of talks on the biblical roots of the mass, though I haven't read many books on the subject.  Of course, to tackle this subject only requires two main things; faithfulness to the truths of the Catholic Mass, and a willingness to describe the various biblical passages and interpretations from which the sacred tradition of the liturgy derives.

I consider this book perfect with respect to the first point; faithfulness.  It's a strongly-written book, and it's careful with its terminology.  Not once, for example, does it ever refer to the consecrated host as "bread" or "wine" after it's been consecrated.  The only mistake that I could spot was that it speaks of two separate points in the mass as being "the most sacred," and of course, only one of them was, but a mistake like that is easily overlooked.

The only other thing I noticed was something that no one can really help; not all valid interpretations of the Mass are included in this book.  I say no one could help that, because I personally believe that the sacred liturgy has a near-infinite number of valid interpretations, and that no one can explain them all on paper.  For example, when talking about the mixing of the water and wine in the mass, it doesn't mention how both blood and water spilled forth from the side of Jesus on the cross.  Still, these are, at worst, minor imperfections that keep the book from being entirely comprehensive.  By no means am I saying that the author of the book is wrong in what he says.

That's what really matters when you get down to it; is the book about the truth, or is it just a collection of unsubstantiated opinions by an author?  It's a question I've needed to ask myself a lot while reading Catholic literature, but fortunately, the answer to that question with respect to this book is easy as pie.  This is a book of Catholic truth, which may help to flesh out your understanding of the true meaning of the mass, and just why we do what we do there.  It could help people to realize the importance of their participation in the mass, and to increase in reverence for our Lord in the holy Eucharist, and if it does accomplish that, then that'll be enough.  I'm very satisfied with this faithful, Catholic book, and I hope you will be too.

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