Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why Are You Afraid of Heaven; Part 2; Others.

There are many other people, things and states of being in Heaven, which cause people fear.  This post will deal with those; first angels, then sources of our own happiness, then other human beings.

Fear: I'm Afraid that I Can't Trust the Angels in Heaven.

Answer: Heaven is a state of closeness to God so complete, that everyone and everything exposed to it must become perfect.
"but nothing unclean will enter it, nor any (one) who does abominable things or tells lies. Only those will enter whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life."
Revelation 21:27
Therefore, the angels in Heaven are perfect, and can be completely trusted, just as God can be.  The same is true for the saints in Heaven.

Fear: I'm Afraid that Eternity Would Seem Like Being Frozen in Time.

Answer: Being frozen in time means being unable to take any action, but this is not the case with eternal beings, like God and the angels, who can take action.  To learn the nature of eternity, it helps to study the state of God's being.  Although God can act wherever and whenever he pleases, his essential nature does not change.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8
Many people neglect the fact that eternity is BIGGER than time, not smaller.  Being in eternity makes it impossible to change the nature of who you are, but it does not forbid you from taking any action.

Fear: I'm Afraid that the Nature of Eternity Would Make Missions, Accomplishments, Adventures, Etc, Impossible, Because Things Need to Progress Forward Through Time if you Want to Experience Any of That.

Answer: Since eternity makes actions possible, but not changes to your fundamental nature, missions, accomplishments and adventures are the very sorts of things that it does not make impossible.  Furthermore, being eternal also means being able to experience every adventure in the world simultaneously, without ever sacrificing your own genuine safety.  A bit like playing a hundred thousand video games at once, without any risk of being overwhelmed.

Fear: I'm Afraid that Heaven Won't Have Animals, Plants, Mountains, Etc...

Answer: Heaven will contain the perfections of everything that was good here on Earth.  Therefore, it will contain not only animals, plants, mountains, etc, but perfect animals, plants and mountains, all perfected by God.

Fear: I'm Afraid that Heaven Will Consist Only of a Bunch of People, Running Around Serving Each Other, and Never Enjoying Anything.

Answer: When one is exposed to absolute perfection, enjoyment of it is guaranteed, no matter what else you happen to be doing.  Therefore, even if we did spend time serving one another in Heaven, it wouldn't lessen our enjoyment, as it does on Earth.

Fear: I'm Afraid that Everyone in Heaven Will Be Boring.

Answer: To be boring means to fall short of perfection in some area, and God's presence in Heaven perfects everyone, as stated above.  Therefore, no on in Heaven will be boring.

Fear: I'm Afraid that Somebody in Heaven Will Have it Out For Me.

Answer: As stated above with the angels, the saints in Heaven are trustworthy.  Therefore, no one in Heaven has it out for you.

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